Abalonyx AS is a Norway based company engaged in production and R&D related to graphene oxide and graphene oxide derivatives since 2008. We produce and sell single layer graphene oxide (GO) and thermally reduced graphene oxide (rGO) in Kg-quantities and are presently developing several derivatives for special applications, including protective coatings for autoparts, a process for remediation of water contaminated with heavy metals and radionuclides based on a GO-based scavenger-system. We are also involved in collaborative development of modified GO and rGO for use in composites for construction materials, certain sports equipment and energy storage in several collaborative projects. Our sister company, Graphene Batteries AS uses a special rGO-grade in its battery developments. We actively work with our customers to tune our GO and rGO to their needs.
Quantum 量子科学仪器贸易(北京)有限公司(暨
Quantum Design中国子公司)是世界知名的科学仪器制造商——美国 Quantum Design 公司在全世界设立的诸多子公司之一。美国 Quantum Design 公司生产的 SQUID 磁学测量系统 (MPMS) 和材料综合物理性质测量系统 (PPMS) 已经成为世界公认的顶级测量平台,广泛的分布于世界上几乎所有材料、物理、化学、纳米等研究领域尖端的实验室。同时美国 Quantum Design 公司还利用自己遍布世界的专业营销和售后队伍打造一个代理分销网络,与世界其他领先的设备制造商合作,为其提供遍布全球的专业产品销售和售后服务网络,2007 年美国 Quantum Design 公司并购了欧洲最大的仪器分销商德国 LOT 公司,使得 Quantum Design 公司全球代理分销和售后网络变得更加完整和强大。
Founded in 1982, Quantum Design International (QDI) is a privately held corporation that develops and markets automated temperature and magnetic field testing platforms for materials characterization. These systems offer a variety of measurement capabilities and are in widespread use in the fields of physics, chemistry, biotechnology, materials science and nanotechnology. Building on its expertise in the global marketing and distribution of its own scientific instruments, QDI eventually broadened its scope to distribute quality scientific instruments from other manufacturers through an international network of wholly owned subsidiaries in every major technological center around the world. With offices in the USA, Japan, China, India, Korea, Taiwan and Brazil, as well as thirteen European countries, QDI is strategically located in the world’s key centers for scientific research, providing local marketing, sales and technical support.
In order to implement the ‘Made in China 2025 ’ and ‘the 13th Five-year Plan’, China International Graphene Industry Union (CIGIU) was established in accordance with the requirements of scientific and technological innovation which are set by the Ministry of Science and Technology with approval from China Society for the Promotion of Science and Technology Commercialization. CIGIU is an international non-profit organization with members worldwide including universities, research institutions, internationally recognized & major graphene-domain-focused enterprises, and financial investment groups and associations. CIGIU aims at worldwide industrial development of graphene and has headquarter based in Beijing, China.
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.is the world leader in serving science, with revenues of $17 billion and 50,000 employees in 50 countries. Its mission is to enable the customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. Thermo Fisher Scientific help the customers accelerate life sciences research, solve complex analytical challenges, improve patient diagnostics and increase laboratory productivity.
Its four premier brands are Thermo Scientific, Life Technologies, Fisher Scientific and Unity Lab Services. Thermo Fisher Scientific to enter China's development over 30 years, based in China, located in Shanghai, and set up branches in Beijing, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Chengdu, Shenyang, Xi'an, Nanjing, Wuhan and other places, the number of employees over 2300. The main products include analytical instruments, laboratory equipment, reagents, consumables and software, providing integrated laboratory workflow solutions for all sectors of customer service.