Adam Babinski (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Quantum interference in Raman scattering in few monolayer – MoTe2 |
Alexandra Carvalho (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Defects and doping in phosphorene |
Vijila Chellappan (Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, A-STAR, Singapore)
Optical Transitions and Valley Polarization in 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides |
Ningning Dong (Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Optically Induced Transparency and Extinction in Dispersed MoS2, MoSe2 and Graphene Nanosheets |
Jinhong Du (Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Flexible Organic Optoelectronic Devices Based on Graphene Transparent Conductive Electrodes |
Arindam Ghosh (Indian Institute of Science, India)
Electrical access to protected conduction states in graphene |
Joong Tark Han (Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute/University of Science and Technology, South Korea)
Flexible Electrode Technology Based on Chemically-Modified Graphene Nanosheets |
Kazuto Hatakeyama (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan)
The factor of ion permeation through graphene oxide membrane |
Shinya Hayami (Kumamoto University, Japan)
Tunable Pressure Effects in Graphene Oxide Layers |
Derek Ho (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Theory of Coulomb Drag in Spatially Inhomogeneous Materials |
Jisang Hong (Pukyong National University, South Korea)
Magnetism of two-dimensional hafnene layer |
Kenji Iida (Institure for Molecular Science, Japan)
Change in Electronic Properties of Hetero-Interface Systems by Applied Bias Voltage |
Suman Kalyan Pal (Indian Institute of Technology Mandi, India)
Emerging 2D/0D Heterostructures: Spectroscopic Studies and Device Applications |
Akinobu Kanda (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
Search for Unusual Andreev Reflection in a Bilayer Graphene/Layered Superconductor NbSe2 Junction |
Marcus Klein (Suragus GmbH, Germany)
Challenges and Insights by Electrical Characterization of Layer Area Graphene Layers |
Dmitry Kvashnin (National University of Science and Technology MISiS, Russia)
2D Copper Oxide. Experimental evidence on graphene and theoretical investigations |
Nicolas Leconte (University of Seoul, South Korea)
Disorder induced Failure of Topological Protection in Fractal Quantum Hall Effect |
Min-Hyun Lee (Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, South Korea)
2D inserte Metal / Semiconductor interface : an attractive candidate for semiconductor MOSFET contact |
Chi-Te Liang (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
Unusual Renormalization Flow in Strongly Insulating Monolayer Epitaxial Graphene on SiC |
Sharon Xiaodai Lim (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Templating Nanotraffic Light - Tricoloured Blinking Silver Nanoclusters on Graphene Oxide Film |
Mindaugas Lukosius (IHP, Germany)
Large area graphene synthesis on CMOS compatible materials |
Lai-Peng Ma (Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
A Versatile p-type Dopant for High-performance Flexible Graphene Transparent Electrode and its Application in Optoelectronic Devices |
Lei Miao (Guilin University of Electronic Technology , China)
Tellurium Nanowires / Reduced Graphene Oxide Composite Films for Flexible Thermoelectrics |
Marcin Mucha-Kruczynski (University of Bath, UK)
Electronic band structure and van der Waals coupling of ReSe2 revealed by high-resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy |
Branislav K. Nikolic (University of Delaware, USA)
Origins of Nonlocal Resistance in Multiterminal Graphene: Spin Hall and Valley Hall vs. Other Competing Effects |
Songfeng Pei (Institute of Metal Research, China)
Mass production of graphene and its application for functional anti-corrosive coatings |
Chengbing Qin (Shanxi University , China)
Robust micropatterning on graphene oxide based on fluorescence lifetime image for information storage |
Aleksandr Rodin (NUS, Singapore)
Quasi-Rashba Dispersion in Buckled Square Lattices |
Henrique Rosa (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Nonlinear optical effects is 2D materials: harmonic generation and self-diffraction |
Vinicius Rosa (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Graphene as a coating to induce osteogenesis on titanium |
Gary Rubin (2DM, Singapore)
Production of High Quality Graphene at 2DM |
Appalakondaiah Samudrala (Sungukyunkwan University, South Korea)
Possible superconductivity of WS2 : An Abinitio study |
Indhana Veera Sankar (Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea)
Correlated Polaronic Effects in the Kane-Mele Model |
Ravi Sundaram (Oxford Instruments, UK)
2D MoS2 and heterostructures: Processing by CVD and ALE and Raman spectroscopy based quality control |
Simone Taioli (Charles University (Czech Republic) & ECT (Italy), Italy)
Graphene synthesis, carbon foams, pillared graphene, pseudospheres and all that from first-principles, multiscale simulations and experiments |
Martin-Isbjoern Trappe (CA2DM / CQT, Singapore)
Prospects of density-potential functional theory for 2D materials |
Daniele Vella (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Towards realization of two-dimensional electroabsorption modulators |
Ivan Verzhbitskiy (NUS, Singapore)
Quantum phase superconductor-insulator transition in multi-phase LixMoS2 nanosheets |
Haomin Wang (Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Multidimensional Hetero-integration of Graphene and h-BN towards Nano-electronics |
Qisheng Wang (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Room-temperature nanosecond spin relaxation in CVD Weyl semimetals |
Bent Weber (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Quasiparticle interference of the Dirac Line Node Material ZrSiS |
Thomas Whitcher (National University Singapore, Singapore)
Investigation into the electronic, optical and structural properties of Perovskites |
Tianru Wu (Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, China)
Rational design of Cu-Ni alloy for growth of wafer-sized single crystalline graphene |
Qian Yang (University of Manchester, UK)
Capillary Condensation in Nano-capillaries With Angstrom Precision |
Takuya Yasutake (Oita university, Japan)
Effect of pH on the exfoliation of K-THF-GICs |
Jian Zhang (Guilin University of Electronic Technology, China)
Graphene derivatives as interface materials for organic photovoltaic cells |
Xiaoyan Zhang (Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
MoS2/Carbon Nanotube Core–Shell Nanocomposites for Enhanced Nonlinear Optical Performance |
Zhikun Zheng (Sun Yat-Sen University, China)
Interfacial Synthesis of Two-Dimensional Polymers |
LiangJian Zou (Institute of Solid State Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences , China)
Strong magnetic field driven chiral density wave state in pressured black phosphorus |